Saturday, September 24, 2016

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. Some of the main points I read regarding manipulating images are: Since the manipulating of ethics has become an issue today, it is important for journalists to present the scene as it physically is with little change. They "have to walk that thin line of portraying the truth of the scene."

B. The philosophy of newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York times regarding image manipulation is that no colors from the photo's original state should not undergo change. 
C. In my opinion, I think photographers can change the brightness or the contrast of a photo as long as they do not change the scene entirely by cutting or adding something or changing the color entirely. 
D. I think this picture is the most unethical photo from the website because it incorporated someone that was not apart of the original scene. It is making people assume that John Kerry was there with Jane Fonda. This picture is inaccurate, and as a photojournalist, it is your job to inform the public of the truth.  

E. In my opinion, there is not one picture that I consider the least unethical because all of them show inaccurate information. However, if I had to chose, I think this picture is the least unethical because it showed the least changes. It kept the same person and same quality photo, etc. I personally, do not agree with the need of making her look thinner. 

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