Tuesday, November 8, 2016

My Favorite Cover

Favorite Portrait

The New York Times Magazine, November 24, The Flight Risk 

Photographer: Martin Schoeller
Designer: Arem Duplessis
"For this cover story on the U.S. women's ski-jumping team, we featured the olympic hopeful Sarah Hendrickson as photographed by Martin Schoeller. Schoeller captures the competitive spirit of Hendrickson, who wears her competition gear, in her body posture and intense gaze."

Critique: This is my favorite portrait because I like the use of colors and how the subject stands out from the background. The magazine explains the competitive spirit Sarah Hendrickson carries with her when she competed in the olympics. She portrays emotion and the title brings attention to the viewer. The whole cover in general is well organized. There is not too much information and it is not all cluttered. Everything is in focus and it is easy to read. The attire she is wearing creates creativity where as if she just dressed normally. In most portraits the subject is smiling. However, I like how Hendrickson is not quite smiling painting an anxious mood. Overall, the magazine is a successful portrait and includes all the magazine tips to think about when creating the cover of a magazine from the last two posts.

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