Monday, November 14, 2016

Local Austin Photographer

Jackie Lee Young is a portrait photographer from Austin, Texas. She specifically enjoys taking pictures of music festivals, travel, and fashion. She attended Saint Edwards University and received her BA in literature and photography. This year she visited many music festivals and captured multiple pictures of artists, performers, and attendees.

Jackie took this picture during ACL. This photograph follows the composition rule Framing because it keeps the viewer's focus on the framed subject. The white background makes the singer stand out.

This picture was also captured during ACL. This photograph also follows the rule Framing because the red background makes her face stand out because of her blonde hair.

This picture could follow the composition rule Balance because there are equal people on each side of the photograph doing the same thing - holding up their hands and singing along. However, Jackie could of avoided an arm looking like it is coming out from a girl's head on the right.

This picture follows the composition rule Balance because there are equal amount of shadows on each side of the picture. This picture can also show Framing because Jackie could of included the people and the background. However, she focused on the shadows of the people.

This picture can show the Rule of Thirds. The phone is the main focus of the picture and is aligned with its imaginary intersecting points.

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