Friday, April 7, 2017

Student of the Month Interview


  • What did you achieve or do to be the student of the month?
  • What subjects in school do you struggle with?
  • What are your grades in each subject?
  • Do you participate in any extracurricular activities?
  • How much time do you invest in your school work?
  • Do you cooperate well with others?
  • Do you work well even in times of pressure and stress?
  • Are you disciplined?
  • How do you study for quizzes and tests? 
  • Are you able to time manage well with your school work?
  • Do you do any volunteer work either in school or outside of school?
  • Are you respectful to your teachers and classmates?
  • Are you planning on graduating from high school?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • Do you feel that you deserve to be the student of the month?
  • What were your friends' and families' reactions?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • What are your responsibilities or expectations at home?  
  • What are your thoughts and opinions about school/education?

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