Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Intro to Newspaper Design-Front Pages of the World

1. My favorite newspaper front page is The Birmingham News (Ala. USA) because the newspaper is well organized and easy to read. It also has a "leading" photograph that is well focused and grabs the reader's attention. The font is also consistent and easy to follow when reading.
2. My favorite headline from the newspaper is "The Fight To Make It Out Alive" because the font is big and caught my attention. I also thought it was catchy and not straight forward. That being said, one must read the article in order to find out what they are talking about "making it out alive."
3. There are six stories on the front page.
4. What I notice in every newspaper is that there is always a main photograph (a photo bigger than the rest) and captures the readers attention. The headlines are always in bold I think for the reader to know what they are reading about. Many newspapers also provide quotes and surveys which I think are included for individuals to hear other people's opinions. Newspapers also are consistent with their font type and the layout is easy to read.
5. Newspapers also make their newspaper unique and "their own" through their layout or style of getting their message and stories across. The font sizes of headlines also vary.

1. What I liked about our school newspaper compared to others was the layout of how the text or information was laid out. There was not too much information nor were there too little stories.
2. The headlines stood out to me in our newspaper.
3. The stories I found interesting to read were the school evaluations and horse back riding stories.
4. I believe not much improvement is needed in the newspapers.
5. Yes, this newspaper follows the rules and guidelines like the other papers.
6. Like I mentioned before, the information was well though out and was well organized.

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