B. 5 Phobias
- Agliophobia- is the fear of pain
- Bacteriophobia- is the fear of bacteria
- Catoptrophobia- is the fear of mirrors
- Deipnophobia- is the fear of dining or dinner conversations
- Enochlophobia- is the fear of crowds
C. Ideas of Phobia Photos:
Sciophobia is the fear of shadows. I will photograph my cousin in a room with no frames, desks, or objects. Just a wall behind her. In order for a shadow to appear I will either wait until the sun sets or put a bright lamp near the subject and then make the shadow as if it were trying to grab her. I will ask my cousin to hold her knees real close to her and close her eyes to portray a scared emotion. I will most likely have the subject on one side (Rule of Thirds) and take a horizontal shot so that I can make sure the shadow is well seen. I will also want my cousin to have a bright attire on such as white or pink in order to show her innocence and have the shadow dark and scary.
Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. I will photograph a family member or a friend and make then have a frightened look on their face. I will place a plastic spider on skin or put a lamp/light behind the plastic spider to project a bigger spider than it originally is. She/he will be positioned up against the wall, near the spider with a terrified look on their face and holding their legs in such a way so that it looks like the are terrified to touch it. This photo could be Rule of Thirds since the subject will be off to one side or it could be frame if I crop the image to focus on the main message. I would want the spider or shadow of the spider to be black/dark and my subject bright in order to show their innocence.
Catoptrophobia is the fear of mirrors. I will photograph a friend or family member. I will make them wear a shirt that is black on the front and white in the back. The white will represent their innocence and the black will represent the fear they have of mirrors. I will shoot the picture in a dark room to portray a creepy environment/mood. This picture will be vertical and represent Frame and Balance. The subject also should have a scary expression on his/her face.
D. Photographic Techniques
Sciophobia Photo- viewpoint: the angle in which the photo is taken
Arachnophobia Photo- background: there should be a plain background and focus on the subject and their fear
Catoptrophobia Photo- frame and balance: the photo should be completely focused on the subject and any extra space should be omitted.
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