1. The man that was killed by the subway earlier had tried to calm a panhandler who was harassing passengers. The panhandler out of frustration and anger pushed the man who tried to calm him into the path of the arriving train. A photographer nearby witnessed the issue and put his camera on flash to capture the trains attention in order to stop it from hitting the man. Unfortunately, the train did not stop.
2. The photographer said he took the photo hoping he would get the drivers attention to stop the train from hitting the man.
3. In my opinion, I believe that the photographers main focus was to save the mans life instead of capturing photos of the scene on flash "hoping the driver could see the flash."
4. As said above, the photographer in my opinion did not make the best decision because even if the driver would have seen the flash, the train - going at a very fast speed - would not have been able to stop the train. Therefore, I think the photographer should have set his camera down and save the man's life.
5. In my opinion, I do not mind that the photo the photographer took during the tragic event was run on the front page of the New York Post because it is what happened. However, I still do not agree with the decision the photographer made.
6. In my opinion, as a photojournalist capturing images of life is important. However, if there is something wrong occurring and you happen to witness it, such as that is might save a life, I think the best decision is to not capture the moment of the event, but instead save the life of the person who is in danger. There, will be many other opportunities to capture important events in life.
7. I think it is important to know who photographed a particular situation.
8. I think if a photographer has time to save a life then taking pictures of the event should be the last thing they think of or perform.
9. I think the most appropriate response from the first public response is not saying hurtful words but being honest. I do agree with what he/she said and wondered why not one person tried to help the man because I had the same question. All this was a very tragic event that occurred.
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