Saturday, October 1, 2016

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1. Since the class I observed was taking notes, the lights were off and as a result, the composition of the photographs I took were dark. It was a challenge make sure the pictures I took were bright and clear.
2. What I found myself thinking about most was what I should take a picture of and how I could incorporate that into a composition rule. I encountered this situation by just taking as much pictures as I could in different positions. While someone else had the camera I just brainstormed some ideas and thought of how I could show the composition rules I had learned.
3. If I could do the assignment again, I think I would of have thought of some ideas of what I could take a picture the day before, so that I would be prepared for the next day. I would also ask multiple teachers for their permission to take pictures of their class because the lighting might be different than in other classrooms and the set of the classroom might look better than the others. Last but not least, I would try to take more pictures of Avoiding Mergers because I struggle with that composition rule the most.
4. What I would still do the same is take as many pictures as I did last time because I had more than enough to choose from. I would also go to the same classroom as I did the time before because it is organized and wasn't very crowded.
5. I think the easiest composition rule to achieve is Balance.
6. As I said before, the composition rule I have trouble understanding and taking pictures of is Avoiding Mergers.
7. As I said up above, I have a hard time taking pictures of Avoiding Mergers just because I do not fully understand what its purpose is. However, the key is to practice in order to get better at it and to look up examples from google so that you have a better idea of how you need to achieve the composition rule.


1. What I liked about Corinne's academic photographs was how clear and focused her subject(s) was. 2. Another thing I liked about Corinne's photos was that they were all clear, the composition rules were addressed, and it was easy to identify the subject in her photos.
3. One thing that could be improved was her Framing photo. It was just a little difficult to see was what the main focus was.

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