Wednesday, May 17, 2017

HDR Photo and Merger Photo

HDR Photo

Merger Photo Questions:

1. The the subject in the merger picture on the blog looked very similar. Her poses looked exactly the same. Therefore, when I take my merger photos, I will make sure that my subject will show perform different poses. I also think that keeping the camera still might be a problem, therefore I will do my best to keep it still that way when I merge my photos, everything will align.
2. I am planning to take my merger photos on the bleachers beside the baseball field.
3. I think I will make my subject hold something physical such as a book.
4. I will make sure my subject's clothes will not blend in with the background.

Merger Photo

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Final Exam Planning

1. I shot this past weekend, Friday the 28th of April.
2. I shot my pictures at the South East Branch Library.
3. I documented families celebrating "El Dia de Los Ninos" with their children. Since 1925, Día del niño, or the Day of the Child, has grown as an annual celebration throughout Mexico. This day recognizes children, pays homage to their importance in society, and endorses their well being. Therefore, several public libraries invited families to join them to celebrate their kids. The library had several booths with activities to do, a mariachi group came, and had food for the children and their families. Therefore, I documented the fun the families had at the library with their children.  
4. I used a Cannon camera.
5. I am thinking about using the video portion in my introduction and in my conclusion, documenting the children and families coming in and out of the library. I plan to insert my narration in the introduction. 

HDR Photography

1. What manipulations to the camera will you need to make to create an HDR image?
I will need to adjust the aperture, shutter speed, and the exposure
2. What equipment will we use to take this type of image?
I will need a camera with an Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) function, a tripod, and HDR Photo-Blending Software.
3. What is the reason someone might take an HDR image?
Someone might take an HDR image in order to emphasize the beauty of a particular scene that might not have been recognized before.
4. What can we expect to happen with the images once we merge them together, what will we see that we might not have seen with just one photo?
When one merges the images together, one may see the picture more as a piece of art while one may see the change in the composition/lighting in the photo. One may also notice the hidden details of the photo that one may have not noticed before.